Well hello friends , this is my very first challenge for the new year January 2020

Wow! It’s hard to believe that a year has went by so fast, Yikes!!!

I’ve teamed up again with some of my blogging buddies hosted by the beautiful Tara from Stilettosandshiplap and Emily from LeCultivateur. If you haven’t already checked out Taras and Emilys blog’s , you need to go and check them out. These ladies have tons and tons of great diy’s that you will just love! I have also linked all the participants who I’ve teamed up with below so be sure to check out there finds!!!

The Challenge!

A few years back I purchased some louvred doors that I used in my bedroom, but hid a couple in the shed, as one does , well me anyway, ( I have to hide everything from my hubby)

Sooo after Christmas while pulling the shed around obviously to make space for the new Christmas decor I purchased , ( quote quote ) my hubby spotted the two louvered doors and said “ok its time for them to go” I’m like “noooo , I can use those” He’s like “where” I’m like “oh somewhere” “He is like scratching his head at this stage as he is reminding me of the New Years resolution that I just made two weeks previous and I’m already ready breaking it lol!! Oh well!

When Tara and Emily set the challenge date , I had something completely different planned for this challenge … So today I decide to get cracking on those two doors and prove my hubby wrong, not that I’m out to get him or anything because he is just amazing and is willing to help me at a drop of a hat!! But sometimes he is right I keep onto things forever and a day!!

Here are the louvered doors in their original state.

I used two part Rustoleum white linen chalk paint to one part water and then rubbed it all over with an old damp cloth added paint and taking it off until I got my desired look… You can’t go wrong or over do it , this is actually for the ameture, just keep working it until you love it..

Chalk paint drys in minutes so you can decorate it straight away, yay!!! Just be a little careful as to not scratch it if your your working on it straight away.i usually recommend that 72 hrs is best because it’s starting to really cure but it does take a few weeks to properly cure. I didn’t wax theses pieces or seal them because I love them as is!

Decorating the doors

Adding the Cupid wings

My favourite part for sure… I decided to use my little Cupid wings that I had in my bedroom as it’s drawing near to Valentine’s Day , well I really don’t care as I think I’ll be keeping them right here!! 🙂

Adding the wreath

Then I put on the wreath that I hand made myself. The wreath is made from scratch out of stuff in my garden but the flowers are faux , I’m not at the stage of making my own flowers and I had mom to dry out!! You can find the tutorial on how I made this here >>> How to make a wreath from scratch

Adding the corbols

I purchased these for wooden corbols two years ago and never had a place for them. So I decided to add here !! These also came out of the shed.. So I recon my hubby will be happy with this! ( two less items in the shed yippee! More space for new stuff. Wink wink ) 🙂 I just tied them through the louveres as the corbols had a little hinge on the back of the so it made them easy to hang…

Adding the candles

I added some battery operated candles , you know the wax ones with the flame effect!! These are awesome and I purchased tons of these from TK Maxx .. these are handy when you living in a hot country which I live in Australia .

The finished product

So guys I’m so happy with the outcome I’ve achieved here! And it’s completely made the room look cosy… I’m going to have my lounge recovered but that’s after the new kitchen goes in and the tiles come up.. (imagine the dust) So bad idea to have hat done before the messy works … I think it’s going to blend in well when I do get the lounge reupholstered and the new rug!! What I love about this as well is that the doors have seemed to take away the ugly look from the brick wall that has been partially removed. We could never do anything with it as we knew it was a matter of time before we fixing up the kitchen so we didn’t want any extra expense,after all this a renovation that we never planned to live in…

So for $10 each door, I think I’ve transformed the room. Here is the finished product and the second picture below is the original way it looked…


So previously I had these two metal wall decor pieces which I do still love.. I’m just going to have to find somewhere else for them or just put them away until we move to our new home!

Well folks I hope you all enjoyed my simple DIY . It’s so simple to turn an ugly piece into a focal point and snazzy up a room for a few bucks.. Don’t forget to check out all the links below for some talented inspiration.








