Hi all today we are on day four of the series Decorate with us for Easter!

I haven’t blogged about the other three days of decorating but the other girls have.

You can find my videos on my fb page were you can see my day 1-3 videos… check them out >>> https://www.facebook.com/throughavintagedoor

At the end of my blog post I have left the links to the other girls posts so make sure you check them out and take advantage of some stunning Easter decor/styling inspiration.

Today we are on day four and we are doing a vignette.

So let me jump right into the post!!

I simply took a round tray that I recently purchased. It blue so it blends in with my pother decor around the house..
I added a silver mirrored riser.
Then I placed some books that I painted for a diy craft
I added a simple Easter wreath. This one was perfect as it looked like a nest which was the theme I was looking for.
I had this wired typed sprig garland which I just rolled up till it looked like a nest..
I added my bronzed brown bunny on tbd books inside the nest
I placed another bunny on the opposite side. I placed both bunnies slightly facing towards each other.
I then added a vase that I crafted to look like real stone. This is from a diy project I did a few months ago.
I added some faux florals that I had on hand. These sat in the vase nicely. They were the perfect size.

I arranged some faux flower bunches that I had on hand..

I added a candle that I purchased only yesterday.
Then I added some bronzed and blue sparkly egg sprig.
I lit the candle. Smells amazing!!

So at the end , I stood back and checked it out and moved around the florals until I perfected the look

Thanks for dropping by and I hope you got some inspiration.

God bless!!

Teresa XOXO!

So guys don’t forget to check out our fabulous host Terrie


And the lovely Tammy


5 thoughts on “Simple Easter Vignette

  1. Teresa I love this vignette! It is so elegant and the colors are perfect for Spring. Thank you so much for sharing!


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